Shin: A Shining Armor Of Light Unto Yahweh Ben Yahweh

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by Shalisha Ilana Israel

We all have at one time asked ourselves: Who am I? . . .

by Shalisha Ilana Israel

We all have at one time asked ourselves: Who am I? What is my purpose here on Earth? What is my destiny? The author of this book offers convincing evidence that these answers are hidden in the knowledge embodied in her holy Hebrew name. She presents compelling testimony to the fact that her soul has traveled throughout eternity that she might be here this day to fulfill her divine purpose, mission, and destiny: to become A SHINING ARMOR OF LIGHT UNTO Yahweh Ben Yahweh.

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Product Name Shin: A Shining Armor Of Light Unto Yahweh Ben Yahweh
SKU 160
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